Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New year, new goals, new me!

OK, how cliche is this... 'this is a new year and I'm going to change everything!' I don't want to be cliche but I do want to implement some new things in my life, like:
Take a day picture.
Work on organization
Attend church regularly
Start counseling

So far, I've done all four! Course it is only January 14...

But seriously, look at that beautiful family! I don't mind bragging, life is a challenge for me, so I need to be reminded of the good. Since starting counseling again, my counselor was saying that chronic pain literally zaps all energy from you. Um, yeah! But you know what? It's nice to hear someone else say it.

I will start posting my pics and keeping up with my resolutions.

Day 1, January 1, 2009
Good-bye Christmas mantle, hello spring! I love changing my mantle out, I got this from my mom, she always made an effort to change things up. I love putting u the holiday decor, but after a while, the tree is dropping needles and it just feels good to know spring is on the horizon (so lucky to live on the California coast!).

Day 2, January 2, 2009- It's all about standing up for Karsen! He's grown so confident and loves to pull himself up to anything he can get to. Specifically, he loves the Leap Frog Learning Table. The baby-proofing is near completion, although, you think you have it all done and then you realize there's some other danger lurking around the corner!

Day 3, January 3, 2009
Seriously, I feel like laundry is my arch nemesis. Just when you get it done, BOOM! It all starts
back up again. I don't mind doing laundry, or folding, it is the putting away that gets to me. Not sure why, but as I type this I have a dinner table stacked to the beams (ok, slight exaggeration) with laundry, grrr....

OK, Karsen is sleeping on my bed and it's time for some cuddle time. More tomorrow :)