Friday, September 26, 2008


WHERE WAS GOD IN ALL OF THIS? First of all, God was trying to discourage anyone from taking this flight. Those four flights together held over 1000 passengers and there was only 266 aboard. God was on 4 commercial flights giving terrified passengers the ability to stay calm. Not one of the family members who was called by a loved one on one of the high-jacked planes said that passengers were screaming in the background. On one of the flights God was giving strength to passengers to try toovertake the highjackers. God was busy trying to create obstacles for employees at the World Trade Center. After all only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first jet hit. Since the buildings hold over 50,000 workers, this was a miracle in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the WTC told the media that they were late for work or they had traffic delays? God was holding up 2-110 story buildings so that 2/3 of the workers could get out. It was so amazing that the top of the towers didn't topple when the jets impacted. God was in the rescue workers who were running into the buildings as most people were running out. God was in the flight attendant who called her husband as her plane was being hijacked to tell him that she loved him. God was in the two men who carried a wheelchair-bound woman down 70 flights of stairs to safety. God was in the people who stood bleeding, in line to give blood. God was in the strangers in cars, picking up strangers stranded in the city and taking them home to their families. God is in the people who are begging to volunteer, to do anything to help. God is in the thousands, if not millions who are flooding blood banks thousands of miles away to help people they have never met. God is in the people who are comforting someone even when they don't know what to say. God is in the people who watched and cried for people who may remain anonymous in name, but never in their sacrifice. God is in my neighborhood where I see flags waving from every home. God is in the men and women, looking at 110 stories of rubble, and seeing only the opportunity to find survivors. God is with the heroes, most of whom will never be on the news, whose stories will only be told to their closest friends and family; but who saved someone's mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son, husband,wife, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousin, lover, colleague, acquaintance, teacher, mentor or friend with a single act of kindness, compassion and bravery. God was not in the hearts of the people that caused these inhumane events. However, God was indeed there, where he was needed the most. -Author Unknown-

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